For detailed measurements, click on the sizes shown below
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
» Detailed measurement are checked manually. There may be a difference of 1 to 3cm depending on the measuring angles and/or methods.
» Product's color can be shown different depending on the resolution and/or angle of the monitor.
» The colors are more accurate in the detailed cuts than the model cuts.
» All sizes are measured by cross sections of each product.
Size : 25, 26, 27, 28
Color :
Brown |
Model's fit : 25, 26, 27, 28
Weight : 0g
Fabric : Cotton 100%(General)
Elasticity | None | Elastic | Very Elastic |
Opacity | Opaque | Not opaque | |
Thickness | Thin | Regular | Thick |
Lining | No | Yes | |
Tightness | Tight | Regular | Loose |
Softness | Soft | Regular | Rough |
Set Product | No | Yes |
Washing : Refer to Washing methods by material